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Understanding the Science Behind Tummy Patches for Weight Management

by Guadalupe Perez 26 Jul 2024 0 Comments

The human skin is the largest organ, and it is good at doing its required job: keeping the good stuff in and the bad stuff out. Tummy patches for weight management could be your next favorite in natural weight loss along with balanced, healthy diet and regular workout.

The weight loss journey is never consistent, you cannot diet all year. We love our pizza, fries and hamburgers. Many of us have fallen victim to holiday weight gain or have been into weekend food coma indulgence, which has taken days for our bodies to recover and do the detox. And off course strenuous workout sessions with intense sweating yes that regular sized fires can cost you all that just imagine.

No matter how much you try eating healthy, counting every calorie in the meal from very famous calorie counting apps (very popular these days) for per day intake but it's not taking you anywhere in the long term.

When the weekend hits, all you want to do is go for a cheat meal or indulge in chocolate fudge cake. It seems so good that your taste buds have taken a roller coaster ride in a water park. But what about the sugar, calorie intake, and addition of extra fat around the belly?


“There are about 320 calories (about 26 minutes of running) per 79g servings, for more elaboration this serving contains 17 g of fat, 2 g of protein and 42 g of carbohydrate.”

Why Tummy Patch?

Tummy or belly fat is one of the most stubborn areas. Well, this area of the body gains the faster weight and loses weight the slowest. That means belly fat is twice as directly proportional to the number of calories we intake and inversely to physical activity and diet.

“One of the studies conducted by Harvard Health showed, “10 percent of a person’s total body fat will be visceral fat.” Visceral fat is stored in a person's abdominal cavity i.e., Tummy”

Have you heard of the term tummy patch benefits for Weight Management?

Weight loss, weight management, and all other terms directly or indirectly linked to natural weight loss have maintained high rankings for the top searches. How to have a perfect body has always been a favorite or never-ending topic for discussion. In the past years, one product has also gained popularity: “The Tight Tummy Patch.”

The transdermal tight tummy patches, applied specifically to the tummy or belly part of the body, absorb nutrients from the skin, which promote weight loss. The ingredients are a combination of metabolism enhancers or appetite suppressants.

Let's explore bit by bit how these patches work, what ingredients they are made of, and how beneficial they are in promoting real weight loss.

Science Behind Genovie Tight Tummy Patch

How Tummy Patch Work?

Weight management patches, slimming patches, or tummy patches have been on the market for quite some time now. Many companies have introduced them with similar or alternative ingredients but, for the most part formulation's primary objective remains the same, that is to help burn fat by increasing the metabolism or lowering the appetite.

The ingredients become more effective as they help absorb nutrients directly through the skin when the patch is applied. By absorbing through the skin, the ingredient’s effectiveness is almost 95% compared to oral tablets or supplements. And when the patch is applied to the tummy area you can have the maximum benefit of weight loss to the area to which it is applied.

Logic Behind Ingredients Selection for Tight Tummy Patch

To deliver the maximum tummy patch benefits ingredients plays a very important role in overall formulation. As they are the make or break any product formulation. For Genovie’s Tight Tummy Patch is designed through science-backed ingredients that promote natural weight loss benefits through various mechanisms.

  • Capsaicin (Herb Extract) Capsaicin extracts are famous for boosting metabolism by increasing blood circulation to the area where it is applied. This has also been linked to appetite suppressants in various studies. By increasing their metabolism, they have converted food into energy instead of storing it as fat. Also, capsaicin increases body temperature and natural mechanisms cool it down thus body burn calories in return.
  • Sophoricoside (Japanese Pagoda Tree Extract) Sophoricoside has shown promising results in various clinical trials. This ingredient has a much better effect in reducing body weight and fat, as the compounds have similar structures. The sophoricoside lowers blood glucose levels, cholesterol, and fat mass.
  • Caffeine Caffeine is famous for boosting metabolism and burning fat. It is a renowned brain- stimulating agent which promotes alertness, focus, and concentration. It also increases blood levels of epinephrine which signals the fat cells to break down fat.
  • Catechin (Green Tea Extract) Catechin helps burn fat by promoting lipolysis, which is a breakdown of fat molecules. Catechin itself contains EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate) and Caffeine. It also helps reduce cholesterol.

Transdermal Patch Vs Oral Pill

The efficiency and absorption of transdermal patches are so much better than oral supplements for weight loss. These adhesive patches are particularly applied to the tummy area because they are made considering the shape and structure of tummy to produce more effective results.

  • Skin Absorption The absorption of ingredients through the skin improves their efficiency as they bypass the 1 st pass metabolism of liver and gastric enzyme degradation.
  • Dosage and Concentration The amount of active ingredient delivered is released in a timely manner so that their concentration in the blood remains sufficient not too low or too high.
  • Scientific Studies Many research studies have shown how efficient and effective transdermal patches are. For weight loss as well, there is much scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of weight loss patches
  • Ingredients Selection The selection of ingredients for weight loss patch should also be kept in crucial considerations ingredients can synergize their effects.
  • Time-Release Technology The weight loss patch is designed on the phenomena of time-release technology that delivers equal amount of concentration in the bloodstream to maintain the steady concentration throughout.
  • Decreased Frequency The weight loss tummy patches decrease the frequency of taking numerous pills and its frequency, and the best part is that you can apply one patch for 2 to 3 days.
  • Area-specific Treatment The weight loss tummy patch is designed in a way that is applied maximum effectiveness to the area where it is applied. It is manufactured with a specified shape that fits perfectly to tummy area so that any movement does not disrupt it.

What do you need to know about Tight Tummy Patches?

  • Targeted Sculpting The tight tummy patch offers targeted weight loss effect to the area where it is applied. Apart from the tummy this can also be applied to abdomen, arms, hips, buttocks and thighs, this patch delivers precise, targeted results to help you achieve your desired body shape.
  • Ignites Circulation When combined, the ingredients of the patch improve blood circulation, boost the metabolism, and burn calories into the specific area where it is applied.
  • Skin Tightening The ingredients of the patch also promote skin tightening and sculpting. By improving blood circulation, they can also produce collagen and minimize cellulite.
  • Long-lasting Effects Designed for convenience, the tight tummy patch offers long-lasting benefits with minimal effort. One patch can be applied for 2 to 3 days.
  • Versatile Use Not limited to just one area, this patch can be applied to numerous other areas of the body where fat is accumulated.
  • Hypoallergenic The patch material is skin-friendly, it does not cause any allergic or unwanted reaction to the skin where it is applied.

How to use the Genovie Tight Tummy Patch?

The tight tummy patch usage is very simple. Just peel and stick the patch on desire area like tummy. Repeat every 2 to 3 days. Patch can be placed on various areas like abdomen, arms, buttocks, and anywhere.

Buy a Tight Tummy Patch!

If you are struggling with stubborn belly fat, Genovie tight tummy patch is designed for you. Formulated and designed science-backed ingredients, the patch helps natural loss and aids in weight management if used long term. The tight tummy patch is made on transdermal technology which delivers nutrients through the skin for better and enhanced absorption.

You can also combine tight tummy patch with our other patch to maximize the results:

Whenever you are starting your weight loss do make tight tummy patches a permanent part of this journey along with regular exercise and a balanced diet.


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